Friday, January 11, 2008


I............have spent the last two days drugged and in bed. Something is wrong with my guts, I know not what. I know that I have missed
a) an electrical storm
b) a deadline
c) a free lunch.

When I get sick, I think "I have cancer/aids/an inoperable tumor deep in my brain" because I am a hypochondriac. I follow this thought with something my old doctor once said to me: "You're a healthy twenty-[whatever]-year-old woman. Get out of my office." Whatever I have, people 200 years ago didn't die of it, right? Body, heal thyself. Here is some Tylenol PM while you do that. Because I'm not paying the $150 deductible that goes along with the first time you use your health insurance.

Anyway, I think I feel better, other than the homesickness. It's Friday night and I am listening to the hockey game and making soup.


Anonymous said...

Ah, homesickness. It hits quick and hard.


M said...

Kate tells me you've been suffering from it too.

Did you google map my address? Check out the "Street View".

Kate and/or Mike said...

I'm the total opposite: What's this -mysterious lump in my armpit? -sharp pain in my stomach? -inability to straighten my left leg? Eingh, it'll probably just go away.

They did.

Anonymous said...

I did one better, I Google Earthed it. Wow, Marianne, wow.
