Monday, April 30, 2007


Last night the building next to the building I was in burnt down. So that was interesting.

All the neighbourhood kids came by to watch, eatin popsicles and lazily stepping around the firehose as it would get shifted during the fire-fight. The hipsters documented the action with their digital SLRs. The veteran neighbourhood Poles supervised. It was cool how close the firefighters let us get. The owner of the impound lot ATCO trailer that was utterly consumed by the flames was there, kinda agitated. The firefighters handled him quite well, just telling him to keep his distance from the fire, which he had trouble doing. Finally, one of them - huge, mid-thirties, moustache, Brooklyn accent - stood there with his arms folded across his chest and stared him down.

Singsong it with me Katherine: soooo hottt.


Anonymous said...

Did you not notice their gastrocnemia bulge slightly as they tiptoed across?

M said...

Holy crap, this comment makes so much more sense in reference to that other post.

And no, I didn't at all. That's what was so weird. It looked like normal walking.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was supposed to be sent to the other one. And an hour after I read the blog I read an article about a woman who ditched her runners for stilettoes to visit a friend in NYC, and as she was whistled at by construction workers fell flat on her face on an unseen grate. See, you have to be born in NYC to do be able to grate glide. So don't try it.

miss suzanne said...

hey, i can grate glide! did it just the other day. maybe it's like a sixth sense or something. m, we'll practice out here in bushwick.

i wonder how i managed to pick it up? is it because i used to dance? or because...i enjoy being uncomfortable? we'll let freud be the judge.

miss suzanne said...

p.s. happy freaking birthday!!!

Christian said...

I'm sure she noticed the bulge while they were putting out the fire.

Unknown said...

Was Denis Leary at the fire?

Aaron, Kate, Will and Wyatt said...

Yeah, am I supposed to pretend to be an intelligent human being when I can quote every Simpson's episode? Soooooo sssaaaaddddd...

Aaron, Kate, Will and Wyatt said...

P.S. Glad it wasn't the building you were in...I'd miss ya.

M said...

Denis Leary, no. Okay, I don't know who are, but in case you're not Michele, you might be interested to know that one of the dudes from that show lives in that building. The non-burning one, I mean. The one I was in.