Saturday, July 05, 2008

Travelling Picnic

Yes, I invented this and you're welcome. The best of the street food - like the Belgian waffle truck parked in Astor Place - and Sofia Coppola champagne in a can (for the incognito factor - you think a cop from Queens recognizes what that is?) chilling in a shopping bag full of ice from the bodega. Walking while eating means I won't get quite as fat. As you can see, the shopping bag was all like, "You guys, I don't know if this is a good idea. What if we get caught?" And we were like, "Whatever, shopping bag - it will be fine."


Christian said...

Shopping bag better have been smiling on the outside or else he would have been a total heat score.

M said...

YOU use the expression "heat score"? I thought that was an Edmonton anarchists thing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Aaron, Kate, Will and Wyatt said...

Yeah, OK...I don't know what a "heat score" is...well, now that I think about it maybe I do?...?...? But the champagne in the shopping bag is the New York equal to the Saskatchewan beer in the backpack. Same idea...just somehow classier. What makes it classier? The champagne can? The ice(you fancy ass)or maybe the fact that people carrying it aren't likely to tip over a cow. You be the judge.

Phil said...

I didn't know what "heat score" meant either. The internet told me it means something that scores you some heat - i.e., something that attracts police attention. For example.... frowns?