08: Note passery
Friday night, studying with my friend at a café (okay, it was starbucks), and this boy endears himself to us from across the room, by being adorable and trying to keep it to himself, especially with how he would put on his coat and pack up all of his things and abandon his table every time he had to pee, like his mom had told him to be careful about thieves in New York. The second time he did this, we left a note on his table
“want to come to a party later?”except that time he left after, and never saw our invite.
Saturday Grace is studying in the recesses of the NYU library. A boy nearby spends a few hours trying to steal her attention from Nietzsche, to no avail. When he leaves, he drops a note on her desk.
"meet me outside in exactly 20 seconds"
Hysterical. That same night, across town, friend and I are at Yaffa in the East Village, lingering over a bottle of prosecco and some chocolate mousse cake. When she leaves to go to the ladies', the boy at the next table works up his nerve to drop a handbill in front of me, then quickly sits back down. Won't even make eye contact.
I want to start passing random notes to strangers now, too.
It's a complete regression to the elementary school wooing-by-note strategy. Recall the "Do you like me" with the two boxes--one labeled 'yes' and the other 'no'--and instructions to "Check one". I love it.
But I must know: Did Grace go outside? Did handbill-boy ever make eye contact?
marianne you should know that your blog makes me happy in a way that very few things do in my life.
I don't know which Karen you are, but that positively makes me beam
EP: no and yes. Damn, I miss you.
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