Monday, January 28, 2008

News: I may be boring

The other night we were hurrying through the cold between smoking a joint at so-and-so's and going dancing at [place], when my eye caught the interior of some dimly-lit bistro. And I paused to gaze enviously through the windows at the sedate little scene... Then a few nights ago I went to a party and I was lame. I mean, I have no problem with substance abuse and debauch. I'll even throw my back into it. But lately, I don't have the verve. I just want to steadily get drunk while people tell me good stories.


Ken said...

I have lots of good stories. Come back to Edmonton and we'll steadily get drunk.

M said...

Je t'aime.

Not Available said...

I hope you don't mind that my blog now links to your blog. It makes life slightly easier for me.

Anonymous said...

Oh Marianne. It happens to all of us. I became boring about 3 years ago now. Ultimately, it's wonderful except for the feeling you're disappointing others. So sit down, pour yourself some wine and let me tell you a story. "Once upon a time Coen and I went to a protest about security certificates at a Mr. Sub parkinglot...".

But truly, you are too singularly interesting to ever be mundane. I miss you, too.

M said...

Anonymous, you instantiate all that keeps me catty and sane. Our conversations have saved my life on more than one occasion. The only thing left incomplete in NY is you, KD and AT.

Anonymous said...

AHahaahaa - EP - wonderful story! Although you forgot my favorite part: your white hooded jumpsuits.