Day one of many
I am trying a new thing. I am going to try to post every day. This is not so much because fantastic and interesting things are happening to me all the time, and not even because I am always looking for another reason to blow off work, but because there's just something about this format that lends itself to daily upkeep. Set your homepages!!!
Today it was fuh-reezing. Like, kind of fun at first when the sun is shining and you just step outside, but after dark, with the wind blowing, it's all WHERETF IS AMSTERDAM? I HATE YOU UPPER WEST SIDE WHY AREN'T YOUR AVENUES JUST NUMBERED.
And I bought some $5 gloves on the street last week, but left them at a party the very next day. That was pair number 3, and I refuse to continue the vicious, consumeristic cycle of buying cheap gloves and leaving them places because who cares they were so cheap. Also, I am broke.Speaking of which, today between running errands uptown (buying Katherine train tickets at Grand Central, and a Hegel reading group at Juliard), a friend and I drank champagne in the hotel bar at the Waldorf Astoria. Now Mom, before you start criticizing, you should know that
a) I had packed a lunch that day
b) I've been letting other people buy me a lot of stuff lately
c) it was actually house label sparkling wine.
Ah, yes. I lost my 5€ gloves (that Mom picked up in Paris to fight the wind) in Berlin on the pub crawl. I'm actually fairly impressed that that's all I lost, unless you include my dignity. I have since replaced them with 5€ gloves from ATAC, my local grocery store. And I've vowed to stay away from vodka for another four years.
Well I will simply have to hear more about that night.
Dignity can easily be repurchased anywhere for $5.
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