Spring Breakistan
Today was a day of two Mexican restaurants. Dos Caminos is on Park Avenue, semi-upscale - this is the place with the guacamole truck - packed for lunch at 2, with mood lighting and $12 margaritas and "plantain empanadas with chipotle aioli" and well-dressed business people sitting on parsons chairs pulled up to marble tables.
Other place (I'm not sure the name, if it has one, neither is Google) plays Mexican soap operas on the lofted tv - until the guy with a dozen heavy gold chains throws a dollar in the all-Spanish jukebox - sells $3 beer, serves the local Central American immigrant population $4.50 burritos and tostadas at formica tables.
[insert witty observation here]And then I was reminded of how fulllll I would get when the family and I would eat like this three times a day last summer in the 110 degree heat in Mexico. Except there was more alcohol involved.
The family that is now eating and drinking their way across the south of France in an Alfa Romeo without me.
Holy shit, I can hardly hit "post", that picture is so funny...
God I look like a tank in that picture. Don't ever publish another picture of me loooking like a tank, eating so fast I'm just a blur.
Can't talk...eating.
Note to self: Change camera settings to high speed when snapping the family eating.
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