Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Pour the wine

I decided I wanted to meet my favourite semi-famous, rather attractive NY blogger/ writer/ somebody (I can do that, I live here, it's strange), so I dragged a friend to the LES to a reading thing he was doing, downed a glass of wine, and introduced myself. Boy, that sure went well in my head beforehand!

No, he was really nice. Afterwards more wine with another friend, and on Tuesday morning, I woke up just hungover enough, thanks, and dragged my laptop onto my bed and checked my email and (already staring down the barrel of one of my typical Tuesdays) discovered that my mother would be showing up in ten hours.

And that's the kind of week it's been.


Not Available said...

Remember when Fabio was on a roller coaster (or something) and his face collided with a bird? That's how I'd want to die if I were a bird.

Aaron, Kate, Will and Wyatt said...

And that's how Auntie J rolls. Love it.