Saturday afternoon
I went to Park Slope to study, to get free mochas from Grace, and to grow ever more annoyed with the way people here "raise" their children. I can't wait to see what kind of affected high-hats this city is going to breed. Dads, it is not appropriate to take your 9-year-old kid out for a latté. I don't think I drank coffee until Grade 12. Sometimes, when I was a kid, my dad would let me have a small sip of his instant. About as often as he would let me have a small sip of his beer. You know, so that I could satisfy my curiosity, and stop bugging him about it. Moms, don't take your kid on your two-hour-long coffee date/sales pitch/whatever the hell that was, with only a blank journal to entertain her. Don't worry - when she's a 22-year-old lesbian artist living in the Lower East Side, she'll have plenty to journal, and she'll even look proudly back upon her eccentric upbringing by Bette Midler in Beaches II (I read it), but right now she shouldn't have to be making witty conversation in both French and English, she's 11.
Aweseome. Yeah, I've been spending my Sundays at this now converted coffee shop in the East Village, wanting to be more "family-friendly", to cater to the changing demo of the place...these former East Village punks with their, of all people, you know how "free" i am, but where's the authority? the respect? the guardrails? the (somewhat) stable foundation from which glorious blooms sprout?
I sound like an old fogey.
oh yeah, change the link on you site that leads to my doesn't work.
TESTIFY SISTER!!! Kind of like taking your 2 year old on a drug buy in La Loche. It's just not appropriate to be learning at that age. 4 maybe. But until then, leave the tikes at home.
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