Monday, June 11, 2007

omg, people on the streets of Brooklyn are so articulate and good-looking


R. Peeps said...

i love that you're getting interviewed about happiness in front of an adult toy store.

Anonymous said...

you want some happy? I'll give you 50 grand plus 1. You will xplode.

Anonymous said...

Not as vague a concept now.

Anonymous said...

Damn Canadians, why can't you just be happy?

M said...

The ironical thing is that neither of us was very happy that day, having to move my boxes yet again, unshowered and dressed like crap, and not being able to find the entrance to the 2/3, to go to the market, to borrow the keys to pick up the car to move the boxes. That's why I look so "happy".

Anonymous said...

I'll never figure out that grin.