Get out your, um, calculators...
And sort this puzzle out for me, before I get kicked out of residence in five days.I need an apartment, but I have to avoid:
a) brokerage fees (which are somewhere in the order of 10% of your rent for a year, that is, thousands of dollars)
b) the kind of place that wants first and last months' rent and a damage deposit up front (that is, thousands of dollars)
c) a scary neighbourhood
d) living with a pervert or an actor
e) paying more than, say, $1000 for a room [note: incompatible with mandate (c)]
f) living in Coney Island, or Queens, or Jersey City, or anywhere else that none of my friends will ever want to take four trains to come and see me (also: where I will have to take four trains home from the LES when I am drunk) [note: incompatible with mandate (e)]
g) paying to subscribe to a listing service (and so instead having to use craigslist to find the place) [note: incompatible with mandate (d)]
h) nah, fuck it - I'm not even going to list cockroaches.
um, i think you might have to let go of some of those things to get an apartment here... mostly the first/last/security deposit thing. because i dont think i've ever lived in a place where that wasn't standard. unless you were someone's roomate...? hmmm. i don't know. you should check out craigslist, as per usual,(you can search by no broker fees, etc.) but all of the affordable places are waaaay out there. (and queens really isn't so far at all.)i wish you luck, lady. you'll need it!
I found some 'cheap' (under 1000/month) private places (and some shared) on What area DO you want to stay in?
Good luck
It's either lots of crazy roommates or a cardboard box on a subway grate. I hear they don't charge a damage deposit if you bring your own box.
Oops, I posted with my other account...this your cousin, not your sister. (Katherine)
I think you should join the cast of a reality TV show. They will put you up in a posh place for at least 8 weeks, but probably with some room-mates (though unlikely to be perverts, maybe actors...I take you to be joking about not living with actors). Barring that, I think you will have to get a room-mate. Given your geography, the parameters of your puzzle are simply inconsistent.
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