Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Here's a clipping from a 1931 issue of the Brooklyn Standard Union.

"[redacted] died yesterday at his home, [my address], New York City. He was born in Beirut, Syria 71 years ago and lived in New York for 38 years. He was the proprietor of a restaurant at [redacted] Washington street, Manhattan, for 10 years. He is survived by his son, Francis. Funeral Saturday..."

I found a picture of him on the internet, in fact.


jmeasor said...

Did he leave any Muhammara behind? or a good fatoush recipe?

Kate and/or Mike said...

There's a Beirut in Syria?

Anonymous said...

Go back to Aida's, John.

Anonymous said...

So if you see the ghost of a handle-bar mustacheod Arab (there seems to be some confusion about his country of origin) passing through your walls offer some baba ganoush in appeasement.