Dear Kathireyn
I didn't think you were going to come through, but you did.Yeah, um... Let's see. I will tell you what I did yesterday. I had the quintessential New York white urban middle-class 20-something couples day. I went to Best Buy in Noho so the boy could get some HD external hard drive antenna thing (whatevertf), and then we got an iced coffee and went shopping at UNIQLO (I forget how good I could look if I actually dressed properly, especially now. Taking off my old jeans and putting on the new ones, I lose 20 lbs.) and then we went and got frozen yoghurt - just to keep you up to speed on the New York frozen yoghurt scene,
Tasti d-Lite is so over, and Pink Berry is so on, what with the fresh fruit they put on your yoghurt; here is a picture - then we walked home through Soho and Tribeca and I bought pork chops and potatoes and lettuce and walnuts and blue cheese and pears and made dinner.
Yours in breathless anticipation of C's wedding on Saturday,
did you know that in LA there is currently a lawsuit against pinkberry, forcing them to publicly reveal exactly what their "yogurt" is comprised of? because nobody knows? fascinating. just thought i'd share. p.s. i know how you feel about pants that fit correctly. but then, you know that already. ahem.
Shit. I love UniQlo. I haven't been there since I left Japan. Do you gave Muji in NYC too?
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