Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Briefly: Zaporizhzhya

Ok, you can't understand the Ukraine trip, or how it will resonate in our minds, without knowing what happened in Zaporizhzhya. After a brief trip through the city proper, including my first access to the internet so far (did you hear that Michael Jackson died?!), we went to a cossack village and watched a little show they put on for us. Now, I don't know what these guyses day jobs are, but they certainly look like they spend a lot of time outside labouring in the fields, and they can ride a horse upside down and/or backwards, and fling a sword around and cut things in half while speeding by on horseback, and break the branches off a tree from 30 feet away with a whip, and so forth.

Unfortunately most of Mom's pictures betray her impeccable timing.

And they're surly and drink a lot of vodka. Fuuuck. I'd cook and clean all day in a thatch and clay house if that was what was coming home.

(Oh Todd is SO mad at me.)


the goose a prisoner said...

That's not a picture of Todd?

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA. Goose kills me. Not that Todd wouldn't look good in M.C. Hammer pants.

Carina said...

There's a lot of stuff I would do, if that's what was coming home to me...