Starting the new year off right! My friend and I got smashed up at an intersection right by where I used to live, in Edmonton (while on a drive down memory lane). Because the streets were slippery with snow, we got carried sideways rather than absorbing the impact and so weren't ultimatley hurt. See if you can tell by our accident reports which one of us is a millwright and which one of us fancies herelf a philosopher and writer."Driving east bound on 100 ave. When driving through inter- section 103 st we were hit by a SUV that ran a red light. The vehicle was driving south."
"9:04 pm - we were driving east on 100th ave. As we entered the intersection of 100th ave and 103rd street, a jeep coming southbound crashed into us on the driver's side. We had the green light so he must have had a red light. Our light had been green for a while because shortly after he hit us I remember it turned yellow. He did not slow down or veer or react at all - just ploughed into us. I recall another car being stopped at the light, facing south on 103rd, in the right lane. This guy was in the left lane and breezed on by that stopped car. When the other driver got out of his car, he accused us of running a red light, but quickly retracted when he saw that we had a witness (a cab driver). We exchanged insurance info and he left before police arrived."
I'm glad you're ok. But I am not glad that you were in Edmonton and we didn't re-exchange our books.
You know, whenever I am there I always completely forget that you live there. But we should get together one of these times.
Exchanged insurance info and then he left?!?!? Oh damn he is so lucky I am thousands of miles from that place.
January 2nd is not an auspicious driving day. I think it is the same day last year that you and I (but mostly I) backed into that lady in the Bay parkade in downtown Edmonton. Note to your self: Do not drive on January 2nd 2010, at least not in Edmonton.
Holy shit you're right. But this cracksident was actually on the 1st.
Haha, Carina. This is why you're my fave.
The cop says your statement needs to be more thorough. Ok, his exact words were "Your statement sucks" You need to mention the signs of intoxication as you are not qualified to determine if he is drunk or not. Ex, slurring words, red eyes, staggering, etc. What were road conditions? What were lighting conditions like? How many passengers in both vehicles? Any injuries? Names and contact info of the witness? What vehicle were you in? Who is the registered owner? Who was driving? What were the exact words your driver said? You? Ok, Ok...this could go on forever and ever. I told him to be quiet because I am getting tired of typing. SO glad you're ok. It was great to see you at Grandma's birthday.
Yeah, my statement needed editing. Too many indexicals, for one thing. What can I say, I was a bit shaken up. And I actually filled 3/4 of the page they gave me, so I don't know where I would have fit the rest of that info. At any rate, when we gave the cops the guy's name and plate, they said, and I quote, "Oh, we know this guy."
They recognized him by your indexicals.
Oh I looove that. We know this guy. BWAHAHAHA. That's what happened when I got hit by the drunk driver in La Loche. Nice to know they are consistant at least.
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