Anthamatten vs. Whoever that guy was
Now, I don't usually watch fights, especially not in person, and especially not involving my own friends, so before going to Eric's event at the Capitale I took him out for a nice brunch and made him explain to me exactly why it wasn't going to be traumatizing to watch and exactly why he was definitely going to win and exactly what kind of wine they have on hand at the Capitale. The Capitale, by the way, is where your friend's parents went to that wedding last year:
Alright, so watch the video and then we'll talk about it.The fight was called a TKO at some point in the second round, which why there was no third round. Yes, the in-between-round girls are pretty great. I like how Eric looks like a serial killer when he raises his arm in victory because watch this:
#1 - I didn't know Dr. Phil ref'd in his spare time.
#2 - Does Anthamatten mean "antimatter" in English? If so, that's a great name for a philosopher (or a physicist, but we can't all be that lucky).
#3 - It's a good thing it wasn't Nicola in the ring or Eric would've been toast.
2. Someone once pointed out it's a near anagram of Manhattan. Between Eric, me, and our friend Chris Haddix, we pretty much have the three best last names ever.
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