Double-decker Sightseeing Bus
There are double-decker sightseeing busses constantly circulating the city. A friend of mine has a friend who grew up in the Bronx and who currently tour-guides on one of these buses, what for the easy money while he figures out what he wants to do with his life. She and I joined him on his bus yesterday. We ate
Nuts4Nuts and watched his schtick and yelled at him when he was about to get hit by a traffic light or a tree branch. We didn't learn much new about New York, except that 14th Street was the first street in the world to have street lights. We saw a giant new Banksy mural in Soho. We got stuck for 15 minutes behind a double-parked car on Spring Street; its fat, thuggish,
club-going owner only emerging from the D&C store to move his Acura when the bus driver got impatient and decided to risk trying to squeeze past it. By then a crowd had gathered to get a look at what jackass was blocking traffic all the way to the Hudson. Everyone gave him a Bronx cheer. I threw my empty Nuts4Nuts bag at him.
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