Wheeee! Gah!
So each of the three times I've made the trip from Calgary to New York, I have had the same US border guard. In fact, today I walked past one available guy and went straight up to my regular. Why? Because he doesn't care that I am incapable of dotting my bureaucratic i's and crossing my t's. He takes one look at my photocopies-instead-of-originals, at my nearly-expired passport, and sweeps my documents back across the counter to me with "You're all set, kid."
Then, each time I have arrived in New York, I have taken a different mode of "GTR". First, a flat rate $45 cab ride, then a $19 shared van service, and today the plain old subway. I recommend the latter. I don't even have to transfer to get to Fulton. Also, as I was waiting for the train (an interminable 25 minutes - that should never happen), a heavily-accented thirty-something brown guy asked me to confirm that this line goes to the World Trade Center. Hee.
Now I am coming down with my third cold in the space of ten days. Cold number two was my favourite: my glands got so swollen they bruised the outside of my neck, and I had to go to the doctor to get antibiotics. Tomorrow I have to turn in a grant application (as yet unwritten), not to mention reckon with the monstrous pile of work that accumulated while I was drinking in Edmonton and Calgary.But seriously, what a great freaking time. A little brawl in the Garneau Pub, a cosy apartment on the North side, icicle fights behind the Black Dog, bummed cigs, free tequila, home-cooked meals, and most of all, weepy declarations of how it just ain't the same without me and Grace around.
Oh yeah, tomorrow the forecast here says "partly cloudy and 18 C".
Good one Marianne. Thanks for putting up the most flattering of shots. I really appreciate it...
Lol - in all the other ones you looked thoroughly disgusted with the rest of us.
For the future, all your pics that you post should not be reduced in size. When you click on a picture in Kate's blog it expands to a much more appreciable size.
Most of my pictures do do that. This one is unflattering to all of us drunks, and I didn't want anyone to get a better look at us.
Oh, and fuck you.
Damn it you kids. Stop fighting! Mom
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